JK’EDIOTS is born .

An endeavour to smoothen interpersonal communication at JKEDI and share the office gossip.

We are all news hungry by nature. Our urge to know more, however, remains unsatisfied even as we have a plethora of options available around. In the shape of TV channels, newspapers, newsmagazines, social media, cellphones and online media.

In this information boom age, we get to know what is happening in far off Syria or Ukraine. But we miss what is happening the next door, more often than not.

We are not complaining here. Rather, trying to create a solution.

We cannot expect media houses to fill us with the neighbourhood gossip. For that it is just hard to beat getting the latest news around from a word of mouth through a trusted friend or a colleague sitting next to you.

In its endeavour to fill that information gap in the office, Team CMAE has taken a step forward in the shape of JK’EDIOTS. We hope to make it a regular affair – fortnightly to start with – and sustain it throughout.

We know it cannot replace the word-of-mouth media or that chatter-box friend of yours who knows everything about everyone around.

But our effort is to channelize the internal communication at JKEDI. This is a platform that will update us week after week what is happening around in other verticals, what is happening with other colleagues.

Friends, don’t mind. But sometimes we may be touching each others’ nerves in a gossip column of JKEDIOTS.

However, that is not all. We also mean some serious business. We will be reviewing books, films and also speak about how to make ours a better workplace.

But remember folks, this won’t be a monologue. We invite your contributions in shape of any creative piece – be it poetry, a short story, an essay, an anecdote – for this enterprise that we have so thoughtfully named JKEDIOTS to sustain.

Besides, a smooth flow of information and create a stage for interpersonal exchange of ideas, our endeavour is to create a platform for a one-to-one level communication at JKEDI.

On a more serious note, this employee newsletter, we believe, will help us in creating an atmosphere for knowledge sharing and gaining. We all know that good communication is a foundational skill for many aspects of success.

Successful interpersonal relations can begin once the factors that contribute to good communications are laid out and channelized properly.

We at CMAE are looking forward to your cooperation!